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Professional Anxiety/Panic dvd Program!

Complete Five Hour Program on DVD for the professional $149.95

3 dvds for five hours training
client dvd (2 hrs)
2 client cds
Overcome Disappointment cd
Light at the End of the Tunnel for Panic and Anxiety Sufferers e-book

 Wakened Hypnosis for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
by Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E.; NGH certified
© copyright 2002, 2004, by Richard Kuhns

Confused about which approach for working with panic and anxiety attacks really works consistently?

Wonder why the approach that you use with clients suffering from panic and anxiety sometimes works and sometimes doesn't?

This page is for professionals wanting to develop or sharpen their skills in dealing with clients suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia and phobias. This technique is strictly educational in nature as anxiety and panic attacks are strictly a disease of ignorance! Now that's a pretty bold statement. And considering it comes from a chemical engineer instead of a psychiatrist or psychologist, it may seem even more far fetched. 

I discovered this approach to dealing with panic attacks in the mid eighties. As with most clinicians it was easy for me to remember the successes. But in reality there were many clients who only came a few sessions, disappeared, never to be heard from again. What about them? Were they successful? It's this latter group that's often forgotten by most clinicians. They never get figured into the true percentages of success or failure.

Certainly the approach that I was using was different than anything I had seen in the literature for treatment of anxiety, panic attack or agoraphobia or any technique that I had ever found in books and cassette tapes being sold to clinicians and professional conferences. But did that make a difference in the percentages?

To learn the truth, I did what few clinicians do -- I created a survey and mailed it to everyone that I had seen or worked with over a six-year period who had suffered from phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, or associative depression. When I tabulated the results, I was truly amazed at the incredibly high success rates.

This web site is about the study of the results of the survey. It is primarily a resource for clinicians and therapists who would like to "step outside the box" and hone their skills so as to improve their success rate with clients suffering from phobias, panic attack, agoraphobia, and free floating anxiety.

The DVDs and cds offered are available for sale through this web site. However, if you are a sufferer from anyone of these maladies, I suggest that you use the content given in the cassette tapes to guide your counseling and therapy.

Most clients believe it up to the therapist to guide the therapy. It seems natural because after all the therapists is the person who is supposed to know how to get you from where you are to where you want to be -- free of anxiety. So a typical sessions runs something like this...

"How's your week?"

"I had a terrible time when I went to the store yesterday."

"What do you think caused that?"

"I don't know!"

The therapist then delves into the significance of the store and the intensity of the anxiety in an attempt to see where you made a mistake in applying his behavioral approach. The result is that the session is "off and running," on some insignificant issue and ends up being a waste of time, money and skill on the part of the therapist.

It's not expected that the CD's offered on this site will free you of anxiety and depression without a therapist, it could happen. A more practical view would be to watch the dvd, listen to the cds, see how the information applies to you, and use it as a guide in your sessions with your therapists. You should be the person directing the therapy -- not the therapists.

Of course, if you are the therapist, then these programs will allow you to direct your clients through the issues that are pertinent when dealing with anxiety and depression.

I promise that the approach is radically different than anything you've used or seen before and your results will improve. However, once you've gone through the essence of it, you'll wonder, "Why didn't I think of that? It makes perfect sense." And that's what this approach is about -- logic. Pure and simple logic. No need to analyze one's relationship with his mother, his father, and so on. No need to go back in time and waste time talking about embarrassing situations or relationships, analyze dreams, and so on. 

Instead it's more important for your clients to learn to effectively deal with disappointment and learn how to "observe" instead of coming to medical conclusions about physical feelings that are unfounded and untrue. This indeed is the essence of the training and it can take a client as little as one session to accomplish this goal or as long as two-to-three months.

And this is what this training is about; guiding you, the therapists, so that you may guide your clients to freedom from anxiety and depression. It is totally educational and non-therapeutic, unless of course you call a gentle backrub therapeutic -- it certainly feels good but you don't have to look at what makes you tick to feel good. Likewise, your clients won't have to look at what makes them tick in order to feel good and free themselves from anxiety.

To learn more about the philosophy of approach pertaining to a case study, click here.

Outline of Program
PART I Bringing Subconscious Up-To-Date

I. Introduction
        A. Background 
        B. Nutrition

II. Personality
        A. Type A
        B. Sympathetic Response

III. Observation vs. Conclusion
       A. The Danger of Conclusion
       B.  Wakened hypnosis Metaphor
       C. How to switch from Conclusion to Observation

IV. Generalization
      A. How fears spread
      B. Catching Suggestions
      C. Power of self suggestion story--lost traveler.

V. Disappointment
     A. Type A Personality
     B. Responsibility factor
     C. Relationship of Anxiety/Panic to Disappointment

VI. Flow vs. Control
     A. Meditation Study
     B. Goal Setting
     C. The Ultimate Goal -- Feel without Reacting

VII. Cognitive Shift
     A. Own it
     B. Observe it
     C. Change
         1. Creativity
         2. Bring Subconscious up-to-date.

VIII. Is Anxiety God's Ultimate Punishment?
     A. A New Way of Looking at Religion
     B. Laws of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics , and Probability
     C. The Ultimate Library
     D. The Process of Discovery

IX. Stop Being Your Own Worse Enemy
     A. Model relationship with self built on relationship with friend
     B. Cognitive technique to:
          1. Subconscious up-to-date
          2. Deal with negativity 

PART II Handling Disappointments

I. Origin of Emotions
    A. Metaphor
    B. The Connection with Expectations

II. How You Feel About Emotions
    A. Some you Like and Some You Don't Like
    B. What do You do when You Feel Emotions?

III. Three Step Dance in Life
    A.  Expectation Creates Emotion
    B.  Emotion Creates Reaction
    C.  Getting Flat Tires and Winning the Lottery
          1. Stress
          2. Eustress  
    D.  Let It Be Option

IV. Letting Things Be
    A. When to Let Be.
    B. Doing Something About it.
    C. Serenity Prayer

V.  Doing Something About it
    A. Changing Flat Tires
    B Collecting Won Money

VI. What Happens to Emotions
    A. Manifestation of Flat Tires in Physiology
    B. Manifestation of Won Money in Physiology

VII. Change Focus from Symptom to Emotion
    A. Refocus
    B. Leave Your Body Out of the Reaction

VIII. Only Your Own Beliefs Keep You Experiencing Emotion
    A.  Beliefs (sealers) that Keep You from Feeling Positive Emotions.
    B. Beliefs (sealers) that Keep You from Feeling Negative Emotions.
IX. Barriers to Feeling Emotions

X. What You Resist, Persists

XI. Evolution and the Brain
     A. Reasoning Emotions?
     B. To Be Human is To Be Emotional

XII The Best Place to Start is at the End -- Railroad Metaphor
     A. Observation & Bring Brain Up-to-Date
     B. Handling Disappointments

XIII. You Already Know the Answer
    A. The Cognitive Shift
    B. Surrendering and Acceptance

IXV. The "Perfect" Trap

XV. Putting It All Together

XVI. Telling Your Brain What to Do With Disappointment
    A. Profit by it.
    B. Learn from it.
    C. See it from a Different Perspective
    D. Express Yourself Responsibly
    E. Creatively Solve the Problem
    F. Leave Your Body Out of It.

Topics Handled are:
1. The myths of anxiety and panic attacks.
2. Why the standard approaches using relaxation techniques don't work.
3. The value of :
    a. deep relaxation,
    b. deep breathing,
    c. meditation,
    d. biofeedback,
    e. and nutrition in the treatment of anxiety
    (what works, when to do it, and what doesn't work)
4. Requirements of professionals treating anxiety and panic attacks.
5. Understanding the sympathetic stress response resulting in anxiety.
6. Type A Personality traits contributing factors.
7. How disappointment in life factor into anxiety.
8. How secondary and tertiary fear response feed into anxiety and how to eliminate it.
9. Anxiety---why it is a disease of ignorance.
10. Observation training to neutralize secondary fear response.
11. Important distinctions between anxiety and phobias.
12. Why agoraphobia is not a phobia but a symptom of anxiety.
13. Wakened hypnosis and the formulation of specific suggestions.
14. Stress management centering techniques.
15. The value of handling disappointment and associated emotions.
16. How much to focus on the associated depression.


Complete five hour DVD program for the professional $149.95 (includes two hour program for the client in both dvd and cd format, Light at the End of the Tunnel e-book and the cd entitled Overcome Disappointment )

   Professional Training Program for the Clinician $149.95                                          

Results Guaranteed or your money back!

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