Mastery of Public Speaking Phobia
Have a problem speaking in public gatherings? Afraid of taking that promotion because you will need to make presentations? The technique in this program is program have proven extremely successful with our clients at the Biofeedback Center to overcome public speaking phobia, performance anxiety and stage fright.
Yes, there can be freedom from the public speaking phobia, performance anxiety, and stage fright. This is the one program that points you in the right direction.
This classic program accomplishes the same as other programs requiring a half dozen cds costing well over $200 to accomplish the same results.
Mastery of Public Speaking on (2 CD set) $29.95 |
Causes of public speaking phobia, stage fright, and performance anxiety: The root cause of public speaking phobia, performance anxiety, and stage fright is generally a sensitizing event at an early age. Perhaps during "show and tell" in grammar school there was an embarrassing moment. Or perhaps, simply by observing someone else freeze during "show and tell," the thought, "I hope that doesn't happen to me. What would I do if it did?" And guess what, the apprehension built along with the butterflies and the student froze in front of his/her peers and from that day forth, it became a public speaking phobia, stage fright, or performance anxiety.
client never had a problem, was totally prepared to do the presentation, had
done it many times before and the suddenly fainted on the stage. From that
day forth she suffered from public speaking phobia and stage fright. What were the
causes of fear of public speaking and performance anxiety? In her situation,
when we analyzed the chronology of that day, we found it to have been a hypoglycemic
reaction, (chronic low blood sugar) coupled with the slight additional
stress that caused her to faint. She only had a plain bagel with regular
coffee (caffeine) about 20 minutes before her presentation that caused a sufficient
drop in blood pressure which in turn, with the coupled stress of making a
presentation, caused her to faint. Not knowing this at the
time, she assumed that she had suddenly developed stage fright and public speaking phobia.
from that day forth every time she attempted to do the presentation, she
felt faint and had to let an associate fill in for her. Physical
symptoms of public speaking phobia and performance anxiety: Lots of sweat gland activity, upper
chest breathing, butterflies in the stomach, sometimes muscle tension and
associated pain in the shoulders, neck or head, and hypersensitivity to
visual and auditory stimulus (the audience). The voice is raspy and or faint
and a dryness of the mouth. There's generally a thought--a fear--that he/she
won't remember the presentation, lose his/her place, faint, look stupid,
dumb, and so on.Public speaking
phobia, performance anxiety, and stage fright can have a huge price tag. It can force him/her to pass
up promotions at work because the promotion, for instance, the promotion may involve
making a presentation to his/her peers.
Therapies for Overcoming public speaking phobia, stage fright
and performance anxiety.
1. Medically one's physician or psychiatrist may prescribe something like
Valium, Zanex,
(if there's associated depression)
2. Therapeutically one might undergo various forms of counseling or
therapies such as:
Behavioral modification and cognitive shifting.
Past life age regression
General therapy treating the public speaking phobia as a symptom of a
larger problem
from childhood.
Specific Techniques for Phobias
Flooding - placing the
phobic in the fear producing situation and forcing him/her to stay there
until the fear dissolves. For example, throwing the person who is afraid of water into a swimming
Desensitization - a hierarchy is set up by the person experiencing the public
speaking phobia. He/she chooses ten places or events that produce from zero
- to - 100% anxiety. For instance, zero might be on a warm beach feeling the
sun during vacation. Ten percent anxiety might be knowing that there might
be a presentation to give a month from now and 100 % would be when walking
up to the stage to give the presentation. The therapist uses visual imagery, biofeedback,
meditation, hypnosis and or self hypnosis. Some therapists may integrate one
or more of these tools.
3. Dale Carnegie and Toastmasters' programs.
4. Other miscellaneous therapies. Every type of therapist has had some
success with public speaking phobia and stage fright. Little wonder then one might find rebirthers, Raike healers, psychics, nutritionists, acupuncturists, and so
on--each having their own brand of therapy.
Whatever therapy one chooses, depending on the severity of the public
speaking phobia, stage fright, and performance anxiety medical help may be beneficial and definitely
nutritional balance is paramount.
Let's not get confused. We're
not just talking about simple butterflies in the tummy, this is the kind of
anxiety that completely debilitates the sufferer. There are over 100
different recognized phobias and public speaking phobia is just one of
many. This is the one program that combines nutrition and hypnotic desensitization with a cognitive shift that
frees the phobic from the conditioned reaction in relatively a few number of
sessions. The only thing missing on this tape is the biofeedback instrument
used which is really a fool proof feedback tool for the counselor/therapist.
The program begins by having the person suffering from the phobia/s changing the name of it from phobia to a problem--problems have solutions. Then a hierarchy is established, i.e. a list of ten steps where the person accesses the level of anxiety associated with each step from a place where he/she is perfectly relaxed to where he/she feels 100% anxiety.
Next, the client through a cognitive shift learns how to shift from feeling like he/she is his/her own worst enemy to her/his best friend. He/she gains a full comprehension of the fear (fight/flight) response so it can work for him/her instead of against him/her and does behavioral modification in one's own comfort level.
This is the one program that makes mastery of public speaking an a, b, c experience, i.e., you do this, that, and the end result is freedom.
All in all, everyone is different. One out of 30 people who listen to this program just once free themselves of performance anxiety as if by magic. With all that they've done, the program is the catalyst that makes it all make sense. But don't expect it to work that way for you. You may not be that far along the path or have been going in the wrong direction and it may take a few weeks with a supportive counselor to put it all together for yourself.
Mastery of Public Speaking on (2 CD set) $29.95 |
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