Deep linking:
Instead of doing a lot of work to
get just one link, you can get up to 10 to 50 links to your site/s
from any of our sites that you choose to deep link. And likewise we
receive from 10 to 50 links to each of our sites that you deep link to
Sites that we have available for deep linking:
How is it done? Instead
of mentioning your product on one of our pages and then linking that
word to your main site, we copy your main page--or any page of your
choosing and incorporate it as a page in our site. What we change though
is one of your navigation bars to our navigation bar.
We then take that word or phrase describing your product and link it to your page which is now our site. The
search engine spider or robot follows that link
to your page on our site and visa versa. The spider finds at least
one navigation bar linking to several pages on your site. The
robot scans the copy on the page and picks up all other words on that
page that are linked to other pages on your site. So, if your copy is
rich in key words, you can have as many as you want linking to different
pages on your site.
Then the bonus, the meta tags on your page on our site are optimized for
up to three key words that you desire. This gives you another
opportunity to ad another three optimized keywords which will get you
search popularity (ranking) equivalent or greater to that which you
already have on your main page.
Result! Instead of throwing you one link and visa versa, we send you an
avalanche of links from each of our sites and you send us an avalanche
of links to each of our sites. This is bigger than a pyramid deal and no
one gets stuck being left outside. Google will love you and so will all
the other search engines that now rely on Google results--MANY.
And the beauty is that technique is totally legal--it doesn't even
stretch any rules and there's no confusion with SPAM.
Want to see how it's
done, click the following:
1. link to gutter cover product
2. link to health product
3. link to pendulums (gift item)
4. link to web site design
5. link to
self help and stress management
cd programs
Email me at
with your site/s url/s
Sponsoring products
Coral Calcium Gutter
Get up to
50 links to your website